Service Blake Soccer Complex - Phase I Implementation

Phase One improvements at the Service Blake Soccer Complex included several items designed to provide a pleasant visitor experience as spectators and participants enter the comples. These included a new concession, restroom, and office building, new entry gates and perimeter fencing, a new maintenance building, and an auxiliary concession and restroom building to serve the southern-most fields at the soccer complex.

JBC managed a team of sub-consultants that included a local Architect and Civil Engineer, and provided full Construction Documents, permit review and approval, and bidding for the improvements.

In addition to being the prime consultant, JBC was directly responsible for design of the parking lot improvements, the new pedestrian drop-off, sidewalks and paving, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation.

JBC provided Construction Administration tasks throughout the construction period and the park re-opened in time for the 2024 fall tournament season.

