University of Kansas Master Plan - Lawrence, KS

For over 20 years, JBC Landscape Architects has worked with KU to provide a full range of integrated environmental planning and landscape architectural design services. The strength of our relationship has allowed JBC to explore innovation and creative solutions to place the University of Kansas at the forefront of planning and sustainable design techniques for historic landscapes.

JBC’s body of planning work at the University includes: the Landscape Master Plan, Campus Heritage Plan, Jayhawk Boulevard Corridor Plan, Memorial Drive Corridor Plan and the Comprehensive Campus Master Plan.

Over the years JBC has provided direction for preserving and enhancing the campus environs by incorporating natural systems into its infrastructure. Our collective work strives to create a framework for achieving a campus landscape character that is harmonious with surrounding architecture and reflects the historic mission and traditions of the University. The two guiding principles of our campus planning effort are: preserving the beauty of Mt. Oread and creating an environment that demonstrates respect for learning.



  • Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Co. | Blacksburg, VA

  • Clark Huesemann | Lawrence, KS

  • studioINSITE | Denver, CO

  • Affiliated Engineers, Inc. | Madison, WI

  • Professional Engineering Consultants, P.A. | Lawrence, KS

  • Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. | Charlotte, NC

Site Features 

  • A “living” master plan

  • Preserve + enhance open space corridors

  • Respect + enhance the historic core

  • Expansion + development of West Campus

  • Pedestrian experience + multimodal connections

  • Campus as a living laboratory

  • Universal accessibility + safety

  • Sustainable infrastructure
